3 Things Jesus Says About Worry

Posted in Encouragement, God's love, Happiness, Worry by PCraig on January 25, 2018

Don’t worry, be happy. Sounds like a pithy statement without much substance, but I would argue that it has the ingredients of a happy life. Maybe it’s clearer if we look at it backwards: if you want to be happy, you can’t be filled with worry.

Jesus even addresses this issue when he says, “Don’t worry,” in his great sermon on the mount. From Matthew 6:25-34, he focuses in on the topic of worry as it relates to our everyday lives. Here’s three things Jesus says about worry:

  • Don’t worry about the basic needs of life, because it won’t change anything.
  • Don’t worry about clothes, food, or drink, because God knows what you need.
  • Don’t worry about tomorrow because it only ruins today.

For me, the biggest reliever is that I know my Father loves me, cares for me, and wants to provide for me. My part is to trust in Him and not in worry.

If you missed last week’s message on this topic, here’s the link to the podcast:



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Better Than Resolutions

Posted in Change, New Year, Opportunity, Personal Growth by PCraig on January 5, 2018

They say that resolutions don’t work, that statistics show that the vast majority of people who make them fail within a short period of time. If that’s the case, then why make them at all? Is there a better way to bring about change?

In thinking this over during the week, I pondered what has brought about change in my own life and here’s what I came up with: one step at a time. All the changes in my life have come after taking another step.

That means the key to changing your life this year is starts with taking the first step.

Here’s the dilemma:

The first step is the hardest.

The next one can seem just as hard.

Keep stepping anyway. Nothing great is achieved by taking the path of least resistance. Whatever it is you need to change about yourself this year. Just get started by taking first step today. Pick up your Bible and read a chapter, spend 15 minutes in prayer, make an appointment with the counselor, don’t eat that donut, instead eat a banana.

For more about how to bring about your best year yet, be sure to come to part one of Your Best Year Yet this weekend! Service times: 9 & 11 a.m.


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