Funding Your Missions Trip

Posted in Faith, Finances, Missions by PCraig on October 22, 2015

Over the years of ministry, I have known many people that desired to go on missions trips, but didn’t feel they could raise the funding.  This always saddens me because I know the power of going on a trip.  So, here are some simple suggestions of ways to raise funds:

  • Start now – delaying only makes it more pressured and insurmountable.
  • Start an account – open a special account to build up for a missions trip.
  • Save – avoid needless or unnecessary expenses when trying to go on a trip.  Ask, “Do I need a new pair of jeans now?”
  • Cut expenses – cancel cable, eat cheap, do your own manicure, etc.
  • Become a coupon-er 🙂
  • Write a letter to friends, family, co-workers, bosses, asking them to help you go make a difference in another country.
  • Get a second job, sell things on eBay or Craigslist, host a garage sale, or sell some stock.
  • Pray for God to help you.  (This should be the first thing you do!)  God can supply the need and give you creative thoughts on how to fund the trip.

These are just a few ways that I’ve used and seen others use to go on missions trips.  Maybe you have some other creative ideas?

I hope this helps you to have bigger faith and trust God to make it possible to go on a trip and make a difference in another part of the world.  You will get as much or probably more out of the trip than the people you serve.

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Every American Christian Should Do This

Posted in Impact, Involvement, Missions, Perspective, Serving by PCraig on June 12, 2014

Every American Christian should go on a mission’s trip at some point in their lives.  I know not everyone will be able to do this because some have family commitments, work schedules and physical limitations.  But trust me, anyone and everyone who is a Christ follower in the U.S. should get out of here and experience another part of the world, and most of us can make it happen if we really want to do it.

I just returned from another missions trip to the Dominican Republic, and here is why I feel strongly about it:

  • American Christians should see how spoiled & rich they are.
  • Seeing this will help battle consumerism & lack of contentment.
  • It will show you that you can communicate with people who speak a different language through love.
  • The bond you develop with the team serving together is special.
  • Knowing you made a difference in another part of the world is an incredible feeling you will otherwise never experience.

Those are just a few reasons why I hope you will consider going on a trip.  Just talk to the other people who served and you’ll see why many of them are hooked.

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The Line Forms There

Posted in Generosity, Impact, Missions, Serving, Thankfulness, witnessing by PCraig on March 13, 2014

It is better to serve than be served.  That may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true.  Last Sunday, I began my message by asking the question:  “How long will the line be in heaven to get to you (by people) to say thanks for serving and giving to the Lord”?  The goal was to think about the power of our influence on earth that will be fully realized in heaven.

When you give to a missionary here, you have no idea who all might be reached through their ministry.  However, when we get to heaven and are enlightened, people will want to show their gratitude for sending the missionary.  That means a line may form to get to you and me filled with Africans, Asians, South Americans, Europeans, Islanders and all manner of people to say thank you.

The longer I live the more aware I am of the hollowness of outward stuff.  And, the more convinced I am of caring, and not being cared for, having the greatest value.  As we get into heaven, I think we will wish we had changed more diapers, served more meals, carried more bags, held more doors, lightened more burdens, and given more away.

The line to get to you on earth is not nearly as significant as the line that will form in heaven.

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Whatever Worship

Posted in Attitude, Missions, Worship by PCraig on June 20, 2013

Our missions team just returned from Peru yesterday and here are some thoughts:

  • You can worship God anywhere in the world.  We had some awesome worship times in the church in Chincha, Peru.  We didn’t need to have the same language as long as we had the same Spirit.
  • Your body can be totally exhausted, but inside feels incredibly alive because of the sense of accomplishment and gratitude of God using you to make a difference in this world.
  • There’s nothing like putting God first and giving of yourself in service to others.  It’s what Jesus meant when He said that by losing our lives we would find them.
  • Whether carrying cement, tying rebar, or sitting in worship service together, the love you can experience with people of other cultures is powerful.
  • Seeing people in need helps you appreciate all that you have.  Everyone should get out of their bubble and see how blessed they are.
  • I love watching people go on their first missions trip and see how their lives are forever changed.  I’m sure our Heavenly Father loves watching it more.

During the missions trip, one of our team reminded me of the verse where Paul said, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Col. 3:17)

You can make anything glorify God today (even carrying cement) if you’ll do it as unto Him.  May He be honored in your life and mine each day by whatever we do.

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Who Was St. Patrick?

Posted in Evangelism, holiday, Missions, witnessing by PCraig on March 14, 2013

This Sunday is St. Patricks day.  If you don’t know anything about this famous character, here’s a quick summary.

Yes, There Really Was a Saint Patrick (And He Wasn’t Even Irish :))

St. Patrick’s day is a celebration of clovers, green, and leprechauns.  But did you know there was a real guy named Patrick?

Saint Patrick wasn’t really Irish (he spoke Latin) and technically, he’s not even a saint.  But here’s more about this historical figure.

Patrick was born around 390 AD.  When he was 16 years old he was captured by pirates, taken to Ireland and sold into slavery.  He spent six years there taking care of sheep.  Though he came from a Christian family, he wasn’t overly religious.  But years in the wilderness gave him some time to pray.

In his 20s, Patrick walked 200 miles to a port city, where he took a ship and sailed for home.  He enrolled in seminary and became a pastor.  Years later, he returned to Ireland to preach and start churches.  The church had given up on the drunken, violent Celtic people, but Patrick saw himself as a missionary.

During his life, he trained more than 1,000 pastors and helped start 700 churches.  He took a public stand against slavery.  Some say he even used a 3-leaved shamrock to explain the Trinity.

Patrick is credited for bringing Christianity to Ireland.  He lived his life as a missionary pastor. You may have never been captured by pirates, and you might not think of yourself as a saint, but if you’re a Christian, you are a missionary in a foreign land, just like Patrick.

We get an opportunity this year to reach people for Christ on St. Patrick’s Day and just 2 weeks later for Easter!

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Love The Dominican

Posted in Missions by PCraig on August 19, 2010

We’re gearing up for our missions team to head down to the Dominican Republic in just a few weeks.  This year’s team will be constructing a wall around the children’s compound that we have spent the past two years building.  The wall will add to the safety of the children plus make the center look even more attractive to the community. 

Every week, nearly 200 children are fed, clothed and cared for at this center.  We so thankful for our partnership with Mission of Mercy to have been able to construct this facility. 

Here are ways you can help send those who are going:

  1. Pick up a copy of needed supplies in the lobby and drop them off.
  2. Give in this weekend’s offering “Love the Dominican” to help in the $6000 expense of the wall.
  3. Pray for the team until the return to be safe and used of God in a mighty way.

Thank you to all the team members who have responded to God’s call to go on this trip and make a difference in another part of the world!

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