Who’s For You?

Posted in Faith, One Year Bible by PCraig on June 24, 2010

I love the story of Elisha and the servant in today’s reading of the One Year Bible from 2 Kings 6.  It’s where Elisha’s servant is distraught because of the number of enemy forces arrayed against them.  Elisha explains that those that are for them are more than those against them and prays for the servants eyes to be opened to see.  After God opens his eyes, the young man sees the spiritual forces of heaven, including chariots of fire (sounds like a great movie title) are actually on their side.

How many of us fail to see the powerful, heavenly forces that are on our side?  Are you only looking to what you can see with your natural eyes today?  Ask God to open your eyes to see that those that are for you are more than those against you?  Here’s what I ask myself: would God bring you this far to leave you?

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It Takes A Body

Posted in Rest & Refreshing, Volunteerism by PCraig on June 10, 2010

I am anxious for my summer break that is coming up soon.  Every year I remember how I used to feel indispensible and often indestructible at the same time.  I would tell myself things like, “I can’t be gone more than one weekend or the church will fall apart.”  What I have come to recognize is that this is a form of pride.  It stems from a need to be needed, which is unhealthy.  Over the past few years the Lord has helped me deal with this pride and come to realize that it is the body of Christ, not an individual. 

One of the things I love about Crossroads is the many volunteers who understand this concept and live as the body of Christ, ministering one to another.  There is only one personality that the church should be focused around and if it isn’t Jesus, then we’re all in trouble. 

This past weekend I was blessed to see many new volunteers sign up to get involved in what God is doing among us.  Each of you are going to experience what it feels like when the pleasure of God is over you in direct response to being used of Him.  Together, by using our gifts for His glory, we can accomplish what otherwise seems impossible. 

Another thing I’ve discovered is that I’m a much better pastor when I take time to get away and rest.  Out of that time of refreshing, I’m able to come back and pour myself out for another season of ministry.  A healthy pastor makes for a healthy church, and that doesn’t happen by accident. 

We’ve got an awesome fall season planned that I believe is going to see results like we’ve never seen before.  Because of many of you stepping up to a new level of commitment and involvement we will be ready to reap the harvest God intends.  Many are catching the passion of stewardship and not just showing up, sitting down the turning around and coming back three weeks later. 

As we work together, we will see God do some amazing things in our community – let’s do it! 

I am anxious for my summer break that is coming up soon.  Every year I remember how I used to feel indispensible and often indestructible at the same time.  I would tell myself things like, “I can’t be gone more than one weekend or the church will fall apart.”  What I have come to recognize is that this is a form of pride.  It stems from a need to be needed, which is unhealthy.  Over the past few years the Lord has helped me deal with this pride and come to realize that it is the body of Christ, not an individual. 

One of the things I love about Crossroads is the many volunteers who understand this concept and live as the body of Christ, ministering one to another.  There is only one personality that the church should be focused around and if it isn’t Jesus, then we’re all in trouble. 

This past weekend I was blessed to see many new volunteers sign up to get involved in what God is doing among us.  Each of you are going to experience what it feels like when the pleasure of God is over you in direct response to being used of Him.  Together, by using our gifts for His glory, we can accomplish what otherwise seems impossible. 

Another thing I’ve discovered is that I’m a much better pastor when I take time to get away and rest.  Out of that time of refreshing, I’m able to come back and pour myself out for another season of ministry.  A healthy pastor makes for a healthy church, and that doesn’t happen by accident. 

We’ve got an awesome fall season planned that I believe is going to see results like we’ve never seen before.  Because of many of you stepping up to a new level of commitment and involvement we will be ready to reap the harvest God intends.  Many are catching the passion of stewardship and not just showing up, sitting down the turning around and coming back three weeks later. 

As we work together, we will see God do some amazing things in our community – let’s do it!

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The Choice Is Yours

Posted in Attitude, Mind, Victorious Living by PCraig on June 9, 2010

Far too many people live under the delusion that other people cause their feelings.  The very idea that someone else made you feel anything is warped thinking. 

This is how it works: you are shopping in the store, you see someone you know down the aisle and so you smile and wave.  Let’s say the person makes no response and don’t seem to recognize you exist.  If you are feeling in a low mood, you might tell yourself that the person deliberately ignored you and is no longer your friend.  Our mind can begin spinning all kinds of ideas until we have feelings of anger, guilt and sadness.

The reality of the situation might have nothing to do with you.  Your friend was so fixed on a problem they’re having that all around them was a blur.  The mind had already drawn its own conclusion about the experience, but was totally wrong. 

Instead of thinking everything is all about you and personalizing everything around you, you’ll find a calmer non-judgmental mind will bring less stress.  Do not buy the idea that your experiences are all about you.  Begin to see the world through the eyes of others and don’t focus so much on yourself and an amazing thing will happen – you’ll be happier.  Remember, happiness is always a choice.

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What Are You Thinking?

Posted in Mind, Victorious Living by PCraig on June 8, 2010

What’s going on inside your head today?  You better be aware of it, because I can guarantee you either success or failure based upon what’s inside.  Here’s how it works: when you tell yourself, “It’s going to be a lousy day”, you are setting yourself up for failure.  Same thing happens when you think, “It’s going to be a great day regardless of what comes my way”, only you are preparing for success. 

The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks within himself, so he is.”  In other words, God tells us through the wise man Solomon that what we think determines how we are.

I believe that if you think you have a bad marriage you will, and if you think your marriage is getting better, it probably will.  It may not fix everything, but good thoughts have power, just like bad ones.  Here’s the key: YOU and I have to determine our own thoughts, your mama can’t, your boss can’t, your spouse can’t and even God can’t.  It’s up to you and me to decide to take captive every thought and make it obedient to what it should be.

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Ministry Addicts

Posted in Ministry by PCraig on June 3, 2010

Who should do the work of the ministry?  In some churches it’s the “professionals” or “clergy” that are supposed to do the ministry.  Did you know the Bible is very clear on this issue?  In Ephesians 4:11-12 God expects the “people” to do ministry by being prepared by pastors and teachers. 

Is that how you look at it?  Do you think anyone in the body of Christ can pray with you when you have a problem, or does it take a “professional” to reach God on your behalf?  That’s one way of knowing whether or not we have God’s perspective on this.  I admit this was a shift for me coming out of college and entering the ministry.  When I grew up ministers sat up on a platform above the people and gave an image of being separate.  This is not how the Bible pictures it. 

My role is to equip the people in our church to do the work of the ministry.  Do you see the genius of God in this?  If I had to do all the ministry in the church, not very much would get done.  But if I can inspire and train everyone in the church to go out and minister, we can change our city! 

This weekend we’ll examine how we are doing in this area and I’m believing God for an explosive day.  I’m asking Him to help us motivate an army of volunteers that are empowered for ministry.  You see the power flows where the commitment goes.  You don’t need any power to sit in the boat.  Power comes when you step out to walk on the water.  I wish everyone could feel what it’s like to know that you are being used by God, because when you do – you’ll be addicted!

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Sweet to Sour

Posted in Attitude, One Year Bible, Revenge by PCraig on June 2, 2010

In today’s reading of the One Year Bible, I marvel at the attitude King David displays in his return to Jerusalem after being exiled by his son trying to steal his throne.  Upon his journey back to the capital David remarks, “This is not a day for execution but for celebration!” when facing those who had failed to follow him in his time of need. 

How do you do when an opportunity for revenge is knocking on your door?  Do you think, “Now’s my chance!”  Or, like David, do you celebrate the goodness of God and leave the revenge up to him?  I know when you’ve been hurt, it seems like getting even will taste sweet, but when you get to the center it’s sour.

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Posted in Expectations, Faith, Victorious Living by PCraig on June 1, 2010

Every Tuesday morning we gather as a staff for devotions and rotate who gets to share.  It’s an inspiring time as we get to hear from one another and what thought God has put in our heart for the day.  Today, our student ministries pastor Matt, shared about expectations and how we all have them about others.  But, what about our expectations about God?

Sometimes we have unrealistic expectations like, “God, don’t let me ever feel pain, have difficulties and live without stress.”  Jesus actually promised the opposite would happen, that we would go through trials and tribulations in this life, but that we can overcome. 

I thought I would ask you today, what are you expecting from God this summer?  If you’re not expecting anything, then the good news is: you shouldn’t be disappointed!

As for me, I’m expecting times of refreshing from Him and allowing Him to do a work in my life that He wants to do.  I’ve decided not to detail out completely what He may want to accomplish in me because I trust Him to do what needs to be done.  My only ambition is to position myself for some awesome alone time, and times of reading and meditation as I get away with Him.  So, how about you, what are you expecting?

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