There Is Hope This Christmas

Posted in Culture, Encouragement, holiday, Hope by PCraig on December 23, 2015

I don’t think any of us can fully imagine the raw violent culture that depicted the world into which the Christ child came.  The Bible tells us that King Herod was so terrorized by the thought of a child being born as “king of the Jews” that he had every boy in Bethlehem murdered who were two or under.  (See Matt. 2)

We continue to live in a violent culture.  Videos are released showing the beheading of Christians by terrorists.  A couple walks into a Christmas party and begins to shoot everyone they can.  Bomb threats close schools and shopping centers.

Yet, still today, there is hope through the one born to Joseph and Mary over 2000 years ago.  His birth gave hope by fulfilling promises that were made centuries before.

Into a violent culture came a victorious Savior.

Into a rein of terror came God’s terrific plan.

Into an age of uncertainty came a certain promise.

For unto us is born, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.  There is hope this Christmas, wrapped up as God’s finest gift to the world.

To as many as receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.  John  1:12

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Gift Exchange

Posted in Christian Lifestyle, Fruit of the Spirit, holiday, Lordship by PCraig on December 10, 2015

One of the things that, I believe, keep people from committing to follow Jesus is wondering what they might have to lay down.  Some of us are pretty attached to habits, toys, and calling our own shots, so the idea that we might have to give up something to follow Jesus raises concern.  I totally get that, when looking at it from a natural perspective.  The problem is that we don’t understand what we’ll pick up in exchange for anything we lay down.

It may seem scary to lay, whatever it is, down and put God first, but it would be scarier to walk in the dark alone.  The bottom line is that anything or anyone, you need to lay down to fully follow Jesus would be exchanged for a love, peace and joy like you’ve never known.  It’s the greatest gift exchange you can imagine.

So, this Christmas, what do you need to give to Jesus?  What could be holding back more of the light of God from your life?  Just like you can’t see what’s waiting in a dark room, you’ll never know what God wants to bring into your life until you fully follow Him into the light.  The light reveals it.

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