To Be Or Not To Be

Posted in Attitude, Character, Thankfulness by PCraig on November 5, 2015

It seems like this week, I’ve been reminded of the importance of being over either knowing or doing.  Knowing to do good for someone is great, but if that’s all it is, then it really didn’t help.  And, won’t we do the things we ought when it is a part of our being, or who we are as a person?

So, when the Bible says things like, “Be thankful,” it’s saying more than just say a kind word to someone today, or think thankful thoughts.  It’s saying from the core of your “being,” let thankfulness ooze out.  When a person is a “be-er,” they more naturally show thankfulness more so than either a “know-er” or a “doer.”

A visual might be squeezing a tube of toothpaste and how whatever is inside comes out.  Same thing with us, when we are thankful (or generous, loving, merciful…), then it will come out of our lives.  I think it’s easier to know something or even do something than it is to be something.  But, will we step up to be what Scripture calls us to be?  That is the question.

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The Danger of Darkness

Posted in Character, Christian Lifestyle, Holy Spirit, Victorious Living by PCraig on October 29, 2015

Part of what makes Halloween more thrilling is the cloak of darkness.  Many people don’t like this part and so they only go out trick or treating while it is light outside, for many good reasons.  Statistics say most violent crimes happen during the hours of darkness.

But, there’s another grave danger with the darkness, and that is we cannot see as clearly.  My mom used to say it this way; “I look better in dim lighting.”  Of course she would say it to be humorous, but there is some truth in it.  For example, we can’t see flaws as well when the lighting is low.  If you go into a well lit restaurant, every crumb on the floor shows up.

Many of us not only choose to live our lives in dim lighting (spiritually), but we get ready to live in dim lighting.  I want to challenge us to dare to turn on the bright light of God’s Word and let it expose the flaws.  You can’t fix what you can’t see.  Rather than being content to walk around in darkness, where bad things hide, let’s allow the bright illumination of God’s Word and Spirit to shine.  You might not like what you see at first, but I’d rather eat in a clean restaurant than a dirty one any day.

Dare to pray, “God, light up my life today through your Word and Spirit.  Help me to see any dirt, crud, or ungodliness that is junking up my life.  Give me the courage to sweep out the things holding me back from being what I could be otherwise.”

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Who’s Influencing Who

Posted in Character, Friendship, Relationships by PCraig on July 30, 2015

Who you hang around is so huge. I mean I’ve seen people that normally make good decisions do some stupid things because of who they listened to.  From dating the wrong people, quitting jobs without another job, starting businesses that were bad ideas, and countless others; it’s sad to watch.

The Apostle Paul puts it like this, “Bad company corrupts good character.”
No matter how strong you think you are, Paul says don’t tempt yourself to trouble by hanging with the troubled.  That doesn’t mean you don’t reach out and try to help people, but you just can’t overly involved, especially if you feel you could be affected.
The problem is that many think they are strong and will pull the other person up.  But, Paul warns us that most often that is not how it works.  Rather than the better individual lifting the other, they are instead pulled down to a lower level.
My point is to be very selective, cautious and wise on choosing who you hang with or allow to hang around you. I know you think you’re the exception, but the apostle Paul would argue that holding to that belief is not wise.  Who is influencing you?
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Where’s My Change?

Since the Bible says (Romans 8:11) that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in His followers, then shouldn’t it be noticeable?  I mean, shouldn’t people be able to see a difference in the way Christians and non-Christians live?

That doesn’t mean that we expect every new follower to have instant maturity.  It’s a life-long process.  Although we have a new nature, we don’t automatically think all good thoughts and have all pure attitudes when we become new in Christ.  But if we keep listening to God, we will be changing all the time.

So, here’s a suggestion, as you look over the last year, what changes for the better have you seen in your thoughts and attitudes?  Has the depth of your character increased so that more of the fruit of the Spirit is evident?  Is your walk with Christ more full of a sense of holiness?

Change may be slow, but you should be able to see it, especially over time.

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Are We Really Bad Or Good?

Posted in Character, Deliverance, Heart, Perspective, Victorious Living by PCraig on May 20, 2015

Ever wonder, “Are we good people gone bad, or bad people gone good?”  In other words, do we have an evil root or a good root?  I would like to believe that we are all good people deep down, but we can sometimes get off-track and do bad things.  However, what seems more likely is that we are bad people deep down, but we can overcome it and live good lives.  Why do I feel this way?  Let me give some Scripture as a reference:

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

Even the great Apostle Paul said in Romans 7:15-18 “…for what I want to do I do not do…I know that nothing good lives in me.” 

So, if we’re all wicked at the core and not good people after all, what hope is there?  Our hope is in God who sent His Son to be the only good person and be the only good sacrifice for our badness.  If we were naturally good, would Jesus have to die for us?    Who will rescue us from ourselves – Jesus!

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Reinforce It

Posted in Character, Parenting by PCraig on January 22, 2015

Do you ever feel like a repeating track, saying the same things over and over?  One of the most important tasks that a parent can do in the life of a child is reinforcing what’s important.  Children (and adults) learn mostly by repetition.  So, a parent has to be ready to reinforce the values that are important time and time again, trusting it will one day pay off.

Now, I wish it didn’t work that way.  It’s not fun going over the same things again.  It can be draining and even seem like they will never get it, but you just have to keep reinforcing it anyway.  I know you’ve told them to wash their face so they don’t get breakouts, but they would rather be doing something more fun.  So, a good parent keeps reminding them that, “If you want clear skin, then you have to take care of it.”

The problem is that parenting isn’t the only thing you and I have to do.  There’s work, projects, home responsibilities and other obligations.  It can make it seem overwhelming to have to remind your children of good behavior, but keep your eye on the long run.  It may be tiring to have to continually say the same thing or similar things over and over again, but many of us learn by repetition.  So, suck it up parents and stop whining at your kids and instead step it up and reinforce values.  It may seem like they’re not changing, but over time, you’ll be glad you didn’t quit.

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People Are Like Toothpaste

Posted in Attitude, Character, Personal Growth, Perspective, Stress by PCraig on October 2, 2014

Why is it that when the pressure is on, we notice that some people are reacting to it.  Others are not, they just keep on going, seemingly unaffected by the situation.  Here’s the difference, it’s not the pressure that’s really the issue.  It’s what we do with it.

I like to say it like this; you don’t really know what’s in a tube of toothpaste until you apply the pressure.  People are like toothpaste, don’t you think?

(see James 1:2-3)

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This Might Not Be The Answer You’re Looking For

Posted in Attitude, Character, Strengths, Victorious Living by PCraig on August 28, 2014

In last weekend’s message, I used the passage in 2 Corinthians 12 where the Apostle Paul explains that had a “thorn in the flesh” that he prayed for the Lord to remove.  Instead of removing it, God answers him by saying “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Not the answer Paul was asking for, but it’s the answer he needed!

Though we long for our life to be made easier, isn’t it true that it’s in the difficult situations that we grow the most and God’s glory is revealed?  It’s when your business is suffering that you get more creative and look for opportunities you didn’t search for before.  You might even explore becoming an entrepreneur in these times when all you were doing before is playing it safe.  We can discover our greater character in times of greatest challenge.

This is why God wants to put us out on the fringe.  He knows that when we are playing it safe in the middle, we will never experience His strength.  But, as we are moved out towards the edge of bankruptcy, isolation, hardships and persecutions, we seek Him earnestly, yield to Him more completely and trust Him wholeheartedly.

What might God be doing in your life right now on the fringe?  Is God leading you toward a place of His power that you will only discover in a time of weakness?  It may not be the answer we’re looking for, but it might be the answer we need.

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How To Make Decisions Easier

Posted in Character, Choice, Decisions by PCraig on June 3, 2014

We all make choices every day. Some choices we make with purpose, and some we make by not taking action – simply by choosing to go with the status quo.  Sometimes we take our time by stalling because we’re not sure what to choose.

Here’s the one thing that makes choices easier to make: values.  When we have stated, strong and secure values, then our choices must line up with them.

For example, “Should I friend my old boyfriend from high school now that I’m married?”  If my value is a strong marriage that is built on deep commitment, then the answer is “no.”  If I don’t have that value, then I might at least say “maybe”, because I might want to see what he’s up to these days.

All those graduating from high school and college right now need to make sure of their values and their decisions will take care of themselves.  Such as, “Do you want to do some partying this weekend where we’ll have drugs and booze?”  If you have a value of maintaining your sanity and staying out of jail, then the answer is easy: “no!”

What are your values?  Not just what you would tell me if we were talking, but what are your real values?  If you say it’s God, marriage and kids, then it should reflect in the decisions you make.

This past Sunday I stated that after God, my wife comes first in my life.  That made some decisions a whole lot easier to make this week.  And, it will do the same for next week too!

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The Dark Side

Posted in Character, Heart, Integrity by PCraig on May 8, 2014

In meeting with our elders this morning, we were all reflecting on a book we are reading together entitled, “Overcoming The Dark Side of Leadership.”  Our discussion was about how each of us is responsible to know and watch over our “dark side” so we don’t become a casualty in leadership.  We’ve all seen leaders in government, religion and business who failed to do this.

Further conversation developed about our soul and how we hear very little about it these days.  Back in the day, there was “soul food” and a song “soul man” and having soul.  I don’t hear much about the soul anymore.

Mix this with my reading today from Matthew 26 where Jesus tells his disciples to “watch and prayer” so that they won’t fall into temptation.  This all came together with me on how important it is to watch over your soul (and its dark side) so you don’t fall.

Whose responsibility is it for your dark side?  Who is to keep you from temptation?  Where does the duty lie for keeping your soul healthy?  It’s the same for all of us – it rests with each of us.  In the words of an old hymn, is it well with your soul today?  I’m not talking about; if you die you’re going to heaven.  But, are you watching and praying and keeping your dark side from negatively impacting you and those around?  Is it well with your soul, man?

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