Beyond Talent

Posted in Victorious Living by PCraig on August 11, 2011

I love reading and so I just finished several books while I was gone on my summer break.  One of the books was Beyond Talent by John Maxwell.  The book is very motivational and helped balance out my reading diet for the summer.

One of the principles that John shared is to make excellence your target and give your best to your purpose in life.  Bill Hybels is quoted in the book, “Most people feel best about themselves when they have given their very best.”

The apostle Paul said it like this, “Finally, brothers, good-by. Aim for perfection…” (2 Cor.13:11)  Why should we aim for perfection and strive to do our best?  Paul says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  (1 Cor. 10:31)

The reason we do our best and give it our all is to bring glory to God.  It honors our Creator when we as His creation give life our very best.

Are you giving it your all?  Have you allowed circumstances to take the wind out of your sails?  Do you have the right people around you to propel you to the next level?  What do you need to change today?

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