The Wise Listen

Posted in One Year Bible, Wisdom by PCraig on May 24, 2010

It’s tough to listen to the truth at times, but when it comes from a trusted source, you better pay attention.  I’m probably like many of you and don’t care for criticism, but when someone I trust that loves me and has my best interest at heart, then it’s different. 

I’ve known people who had people who care deeply, and want nothing but the best for them, share some hard truths only to be ignored or rejected.  Unfortunatly, this means the person is only harming themselves according to Proverbs 15:32.  Wise people can tell the difference between constructive and destructive criticism. 

Over the years, I’ve learned to spit out the criticism from people motivated by jealousy, envy, or other negative emotions.  Sometimes hurting people just want to go out and hurt others to not feel so alone in their pain.  A wise person doesn’t pay any attention to these critics.  However, when someone you love and trust comes and shares a weakness or potential danger in your life, the wise take heed. 

Is there anyone in your life trying to get your attention about something they see?  Are they someone you know loves and cares for you?  If so, what might happen if you listened and acted on what they are saying?  What problems could evolve if you ignore them?

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