Got Sin?

Posted in One Year Bible by PCraig on April 12, 2010

God hasn’t ever changed!  He is always consistently the same 24-7.  This is contrary to what some people believe however.  Some think God has gotten soft on sin in His old age.  That He no longer has a problem with certain sins and lifestyles and that He has an “everything goes” mentality.  This kind of thinking is not only totally false, but it will keep you defeated by the enemy.

In today’s reading of the One Year Bible, it tells the story of how Joshua and the Israelites conquered Jericho and then thought they would move on and conquer another city called Ai.  Thinking that this would be easier to achieve than Jericho, Joshua only sent part of the troups to win the battle.  The problem was, there was sin in the camp.  Someone had totally disobeyed God.

Joshua cries out to God asking why He would let them be defeated by the people of Ai, and God answers straight up: you cannot stand against your enemies until you remove the sin among you.  Make no mistake – sin can keep you from victory in your life. 

How often do we think we can go out and live victorious while there is sin hidden in our lives?  If you are unable to conquer the enemy in your life, it may mean you need to look within and get the sin out first.

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