Got Time To Read?

Posted in Stuff by PCraig on April 5, 2010

It’s nice to be back after a week’s vacation with my family over Spring Break.  I was mentioning to a few people yesterday how I was able to read 3 books while I was gone and most were taken back.  Some thought I must be an extremely fast reader – I don’t think of myself that way. 

Here’s my secret:  I grab every available minute I can to fill my mind with profitable information.  That means when I was sitting poolside, instead of listening to conversations around me, or music on my iPod, I was reading.  You would be amazed at how much you can read in times like this.  Another opportunity is late at night when getting ready for bed.  Our family often takes reading material along on trips and we spend some time winding down in bed with a good book instead of mindless television.  In addition to this, I grab any spare moment of the day to read a few pages in the book I’m devouring.  This can be while waiting on my family to finish getting ready, or changing clothes in the middle of the day before going back out for activity. 

Again, you would be amazed at how many moments get wasted waiting, sitting, TV watching or daydreaming.  Try harnessing this time and use it to grow and feed the precious resource of your mind.  Let me know how many books you’re able to read next time you take a trip and how fulfilled it makes you feel.

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