Living Your Life Mission

Posted in Dreams, Purpose by PCraig on April 12, 2012

Just last night I met with several guys of our church for leadership training.  Our topic was discovering your life mission.  If there is anything that excites me it is this subject.  I am extremely passionate about everyone having a life purpose, discovering what it is, then living it out in God’s strength.

Too many people in our world settle for a mere existence rather than discovering their life purpose.  How sad to go through life simply going through the motions when you could have lived God’s dream for your life.

God told the prophet Jeremiah that He had a purpose for his life already established while he was in his mother’s womb.  I believe God had a purpose for your life as well before anyone ever got to see your slick body come out into the world.

Here’s my question:  are you living your purpose or just going through the motions?  Have you allowed this world to squeeze your into its mold and lost your drive, ambition and dream?  What did God have in mind for you before you were ever born?  Are you being the you He intended?

If not, here are some ways to get on track:

  • Pray, and ask God to reveal His original plan & design for your life
  • Examine your life and see if it’s headed in that direction
  • Look for God’s guidance through open doors & opportunities
  • What strengths or gifts are you currently not using for His glory?
  • Ask wise people around you to speak into your life concerning what they see in you
  • Form a plan of steps that can lead you to your life mission

How are you doing with living your purpose?  Have you made any recent steps to get on track with your life mission?

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