Marriage Under Attack

Posted in Character, Marriage, Relationships by PCraig on May 26, 2011

The institute of marriage is under attack.  This assault is not only coming from radical groups against the institution of marriage and media that glamorizes infidelity, but also from within.  Unless someone guards their heart (as the Bible teaches), then any of us can fall prey to blowing up our homes. 

As we look around today we see people with lots of money (Gov. Schwarzenegger) who still can’t keep their marriage together.  If more money won’t solve your marriage woes, what will? 

Here’s a few tips that keep me on track:

  1. Be faithful to God 1st.  We can reflect God or Satan, who are you reflecting?
  2. Invest in the relationship you have.  If you want your marriage to flourish, you must invest in it.  This means investing quality time to laugh, dream & be together.
  3. Set boundaries.  This may sound archaic, but I think it’s common sense.  I won’t eat alone, travel or flirt with someone of the opposite sex.  Instead, I brag on my wife and try to be around her as much as I can.
  4. I am writing a story.  Every day I’m writing another page of the story of my life.  What story do I want my grandchildren to tell?  Do I want them to tell of a man who was faithful or one who messed up his legacy because of a dumb decision? 

 Reality is that you CAN have a thriving marriage in a culture like ours, but the choice is up to you. 

What other tips can you offer?  Or, what lessons have you learned from mistakes of the past?

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