You Rock

Posted in Attitude, Holy Spirit by PCraig on May 5, 2011

Many of us don’t actually believe it, but it’s true – you rock!  You don’t rock at everything.  No one can do it all, but there’s something you can do that I can’t.  It may be writing, acts of kindness, listening to others, or delivering an act of generosity. 

The Bible explains that each of us have an ability given by God that is His gift to be used for His glory.  A tool that you can use to help you discover your gift is on our website: under online resources on the home page.  Just this week someone wrote me an email to let me know what an encouragement this was to them.  They said it actually brought them to tears as they saw how God had gifted them. 

Don’t believe the lie of the enemy that you are not gifted.  Instead, look at what you like to do, or take the online gift test I mentioned and then set out to make a difference. 

Releasing the gift God has given you will fill you with a sense of God’s pleasure.  You might find others saying, “You rock at that!”

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