End Of The First Quarter

Posted in Stuff by PCraig on April 14, 2010

Ever hear an announcer at a high school basketball or football game announce, “And that’s the end of the first quarter”?  Well, maybe some of us need someone to announce, “And that’s the end of the first quarter of the year!”  You may find that hard to believe, but as they say, “time flies.”

So maybe now is a good time for a check up. Take a few moments and look back over the year — are things on track?

Are things on track physically? How are you doing with that goal of losing weight?  Are you keeping up with the exercise you promised yourself back in January or late December?

Are things on track financially? Are you making progress on getting out of debt?  Have you been able to put aside for retirement?  Are you offering God your “firstfruits” offering of the first 10 percent of your income? 

Are things on track personally? Do you spend quality time with the people who mean the most to you?  Is your time well-managed so that there is margin in your life? 

Are things on track spiritually?  Are you reading God’s Word daily (such as the One Year Bible) for inspiration?  Do you spend quality time with God for transformation?  Did you listen for Him today? 

Taking time to reflect is one of the most neglected areas. I hope you will take the time  to reflect and make any adjustments necessary to make the rest of the year the best of the year.

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