Posted in Dreams by PCraig on August 14, 2010

Is it hard for you to hang onto your dreams?  Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for Abraham to keep believing that God was going to give him a son for years before it happened?  Sometimes dreams come true in a matter of days, weeks and months.  Other times it takes years and even decades. 

Sometimes the dream is waiting on us to get positioned to bring it to pass.  One of the dreams I have is to become a writer, but every year it seems like something crowds it out.  Now, I’ve enlisted prayer partners to help pray for me to be able to put it together and make it happen.

What are you wanting to achieve that seems to be out of reach?  Who could you enlist to become a prayer partner for you?  Is there a step you could take today to get you closer to your dream? 

I’m taking a step by blogging to warm up my writing skills in preparation to write my first book.  I feel like I’m making progress, which is a good feeling.

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Dreams & Visions

Posted in Dreams by PCraig on July 26, 2010

Yesterday in service I shared about the various ways God uses to speak to us, but I left a couple out:  dreams and visions.  It wasn’t so much intentional, as I believe that dreams and visions are a rare thing that God uses.  In addition, it causes some people to think that dreams they have came from God that were more the result of overeating.  Let me be clear, God can and does use dreams and visions to communicate to people, but not every dream is from God. 

How do you know if a dream is from the Lord?  It will line up with God’s Word and principles, and it will come to pass.  A vision is more like a dream that you have while awake and the same rules apply with it. 

We should not seek dreams and visions but rather the One who gives them.

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